Black History Month 2022

Organising Black History Month came as a need to change and raise awareness of the powerful Black stories hidden within Plymouth. Every year, the community comes together through food, conversations, music, films, and stories to celebrate and inspire change.

For the year 2022, the theme and campaign is “Time for Change: Action Not Words”, because to create a better future, we must not dwell on the past, but rather learn from it and take action. We must unite around a shared goal of creating a better world for all.

Events Hosted

Take a look at the events we hosted for BHM 2022 Plymouth

Impact Report

Read about the impact BHM 2022 Plymouth provided


Many thanks to our partners that made BHM 2022 Plymouth possible

350 +
25 %
connected with someone they would not have usually have
50 %
said they felt more connected to Plymouth's Black History
25 %
were more aware of racism in Plymouth

Join us for this year's events!

Get involved in some amazing activities focusing on black lives, health, and fostering community.

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